NOS Mission

Nevada Outdoor School inspires exploration of the natural world, responsible stewardship of our habitat and dedication to community.
This is the spot for us to share stories, fun ideas or general musings. When you aren't in here, we hope to see you out there!

Monday, December 9, 2019

#OptOutside Everyday

A few years ago, REI’s CEO started a program called #OptOutside where he closed all of his stores on Black Friday and paid his employees to recreate.  

In 2018, #OptOutside spread to more than 170 organizations and on November 29, 2019, it was even bigger. 

Over the years, #OptOutside has become more than merely going outside on Black Friday, but to taking action and making life choices that are with respect to the outside.  To facilitate this goal, this year REI compiled a list of 52 weekly challenges for how each of us can #OptOutside every day.   

At Nevada Outdoor School, it is our mission to “…inspire…responsible stewardship of our habitat.” Sometimes it is hard to see what we can do to care for the natural world outside of a facilitated conservation service project.   

This list gives people power with simple ideas and background information to understand the positive changes we can make through simple choices. 

Here are December’s four to get you started.
Week 1:
Make cleaning up a part of your daily habits.
Week 2:
Go bagless.  Make reusable bags for all shopping.
Week 3:
Opt out of junk mail.
Week 4:
Forgo traditional wrapping paper to cut down on waste this holiday season.

For more information about how each of these actions affect the natural world and to learn about the other 48 challenges from REI please go to

Happy Trails!

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