Hello! I am Mayra Rivas with Nevada Outdoor School. I am an AmeriCorps member and an outdoor educator with Nevada Outdoor School. I grew up in Winnemucca, Nevada with my family of three at the time. I was looking for a job when I found this AmeriCorps program. I was looking for a job where I was on my feet more and I can be more active so I thought an outdoors job would suit me. Nevada Outdoor School was where I learned about AmeriCorps all together. I have been an AmeriCorps member since the beginning of June. AmeriCorps is where many people can go through to get a job and pursue their future. I am not really sure what it is word for word. It is important because it is a great place for opportunities! Being an AmeriCorps member, I have learned a lot about how to be an educator and how to teach someone as well as I can. I have also been surrounded by some great people. Being an AmeriCorps member, we have been able to be more involved in the community and I think this also helps them by giving people something to do when they may not have other things to do. We also teach some important things to others. My favorite memory while being an AmeriCorps member is when we had our first camp and all the campers were excited to be there and have some fun! I liked seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing them giggles at things we said. Being an AmeriCorps member has been really great and I have learned so much from it!
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