NOS Mission

Nevada Outdoor School inspires exploration of the natural world, responsible stewardship of our habitat and dedication to community.
This is the spot for us to share stories, fun ideas or general musings. When you aren't in here, we hope to see you out there!

Monday, June 12, 2023

What's New At NOS- May 2023

Animal Track & ID Hike

Winnemucca and Elko

May 5th, 2023

On May 5th we hosted a skills hike in Sonoma Canyon with a plan to teach participants and their families about identifying animal tracks and how to track animals. Due to heavy rain for a couple of days prior most tracks and animal footprints had been washed away. Even with minimal animal tracks, we were still able to find some and show them to the participants. The few tracks we were able to find included lots of cow tracks and a few antelope and dog tracks. The kids were having fun looking for the tracks as we walked and when we found one we would all gather around and talk about what animal we thought made it and what direction they were going. The Elko group also did an animal track & id hike; they only had one participant but were still able to get out and do the hike. Overall both hikes went very well. The kids learned a new skill and we got some families up and active.

Photo caption: AmeriCorps members and group participants at the end of the hike.

Gardening Workshop

Elko- May 8th, 2023

Winnemucca- May 12th, 2023

The month of May started off with our NOS team members in both Elko and Winnemucca sharing their green thumbs with the community. Elko featured Angie Heguy from Acton Academy as gardening lead and NOS member Kaitlin, while Winnemucca had members Noah and Johnny with Toni as the lead.   Both teams brought their A-game encouraging “positive growth” with engaging gardening workshops. Teaching our community basic planting techniques and composting basics, skills to help the beginner gardener and encourage sustainable gardening. The event was a success with all participants (adults and children) potting their very own plants and enjoying the process, leaving with new skills and green thumbs.   

Photo: NOS team member Toni teaches participants how to pot a plant.

Photo: Participants trying out their new planting skills.

Eliminate the Stigma Walk

May 10th 2023

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? On May 10th Nevada Outdoor School along with the help of the Humboldt Connection Suicide Prevention Task Force walked from Ridley’s supermarket to the Court House to raise awareness for mental health with the aim to eliminate the stigma! Staff members and AmeriCorps members from both Winnemucca and Elko join in on this awareness event! 

Photo Captions: Staff and AmeriCorps members participating in the Eliminate the Stigma Walk on May 10th in Winnemucca.

Grammar #2 Ag Day

May 12th 2023

Grammar #2s Ag Day was a  fun and exciting event that NOS was able to participate in along with many other businesses and community members. We were able to teach kids from ages K-4 about Elk and deer and all their awesome adaptations. Some adaptations that Elks have are their amazing antlers which shed each year. As well as their long legs which are great for the harsh snowy winters of Nevada. We were also able to talk about our summer programs and the teachers were given summer camp fliers to give to students as well. Overall it was a super fun experience. 

Photo Caption: AmeriCorps member Kaitlyn with a group of students

Spring Creek Marina

Take A Kid Fishing Day

May 13th 2023

NOS had the chance to participate in the Spring Creek Take A Kid Fishing Day and saw 48 people. At this event, we taught fishing-specific Leave No Trace ethics. We got the chance to talk to participants about different fishing poles and the types of bait to use. Participants also had the opportunity to learn how to tie different fishing knots. Lots of participants asked about different fishing locations to increase their time spent outdoors. Overall this was a fun and successful event. 

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