NOS Mission

Nevada Outdoor School inspires exploration of the natural world, responsible stewardship of our habitat and dedication to community.
This is the spot for us to share stories, fun ideas or general musings. When you aren't in here, we hope to see you out there!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Destination Recreation: Spooner Lake

For our second installment of Destination Recreation we’re hitting the trails to cross-country ski and snowshoe!

Trail in Spooner Lake area

Destination: Spooner Lake
Adventurer: Megan Allen
Chosen Activity: Cross-country skiing and hiking

Allure: My first spring in Nevada led me on a hike along the Tahoe Rim Trail; the trail detoured down to Spooner Lake, which is part of Lake Tahoe-Nevada State Park. Along the trail and at the lake, I was captured by the towering Jeffery Pines and the song of Mountain Chickadees. I returned that winter to cross-country ski through these trees, and it was fantastic. Spooner Lake Lodge does an excellent job of grooming and maintaining the trails, and provides their guests with warm hot chocolate after their journeys in the snow. I plan to return this winter and ski out to one of the many overnight cabins, where winter enthusiasts can stay the night nestled in a rustic setting. This outdoor destination is dear to my heart and has potential to create lasting memories for anyone who visits the area! Best Wishes!

Other Activities: hiking, fishing, bird watching, photography, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, wildlife viewing, nature journaling, mountain biking
Location: Western Nevada on Highway 28, 15 miles west of Carson City
Nevada State Parks – Lake Tahoe-Nevada
Spooner Lake Cross-Country Ski Area
Spooner Lake Cross-Country Ski Area Map

Visit the Nevada Outdoor School website – Destination Recreation page to explore the rest of our favorite places to play in Nevada.

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