NOS Mission

Nevada Outdoor School inspires exploration of the natural world, responsible stewardship of our habitat and dedication to community.
This is the spot for us to share stories, fun ideas or general musings. When you aren't in here, we hope to see you out there!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Reflections on AmeriCorps Service - Frontier Community Action Agency

My name is Jasmin Esquibel, I am an Americorps member serving as a program assistant at the Frontier Community Action Agency. As an assistant, I help out with several duties but my main project is coordinating the backpack program through Catholic Charities and Humboldt County School District as well as Pershing County. Through this program, our organization helps low income families to provide them with nutritious food for them to consume during the weekends. As the person who coordinates this, it is satisfying and fulfilling to know that children in our community will not go hungry tonight because of what our organization is contributing to.

            For the month of November, our office is working on several projects and are as follows: Children’s Grief Awareness Day(November 15), International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day(November 17), and Project Santa where this event falls on December 15. 

     Children’s Grief Awareness Day- This day is for all children who have experienced a death of a loved one. If a child has not lost a loved one, we really like to emphasize that this day is for all children who know of a friend or family member they knew that passed away. This year we had a total of twenty five local businesses in town to help contribute this day. Local businesses will be helping us by wearing blue on the day of the event, putting up a children’s grief banner as well as a flyer for our event that we will have at the recreation center this year, where we will have a movie showing “Coco” as well as food provided that was generously donated by Dominos and Walmart.

     International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day- This day is meant for individuals who have suffered a loss of a loved one through suicide. This event will be at our local hospital where we will have a live video where all loss survivors will be gathering around the world to join and help each other through their grief journey. 

     Project Santa- This event is for low income families that are unable to provide presents to their children on Christmas Day. This day requires much preparation as we have been working on this project since September! In September, I began going to several businesses and asking to contribute to our “Teen Gift Card Drive” where this helps us give gift cards or other presents to teens who do not get presents on the holidays. This project helps children receive gifts on Christmas and although the date hasn’t arrived, my anticipation grows more and more every day because of how many families we are helping. It truly makes me feel like a better person at the end of the day!

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